thermal, TBT, CCTV, Thermal Imaging Camera, Thermal camera, thermal imaging, tbt, Electric car, Electric vehicle charging station

TBT INC - Specialized Group of Thermal Imaging Camera



[NEWS] Launch of the NYX Series
  • DATE  2024. 11. 07
  • VIEWS  217


 In 2024, TBT Inc. ambitiously officially announced the launch of the NYX Series. NYX is also called the "Goddess of the night," which means "Goddess that rules the night."

 The launch of the NYX Series seems even more meaningful because TBT is a thermal imaging camera company that manufactures specialized cameras that can see night and long distance.

 The NYX series is a high-performance cooling thermal imaging camera developed with pure domestic technology that provides excellent situational awareness. Although improvements have been made in many areas, I would like to emphasize the improvements in three areas in particular.

Feature1. LAE (Local Area Enhancement)

 Increase context awareness by improving image contrast for very dark or very bright areas with local processing.



Feature2. Automatic Integration Time

 It is a function that optimizes image quality by detecting rapid temperature changes in the operating environment and1 adjusting the integration time in real time.

 There is no hassle of adjusting the integration time according to weather conditions such as summer, winter, and high daily temperature differences.





Feature3. Adaptive HEQ

 Special imaging processing that highlights complex (high entropy) areas in a scene improves object details except for backgrounds such as sky, sea, etc




 Finally, NYX has compatibility with various connectors such as CVBS, HD-SDI, and HDMI so that it can be linked to existing cameras and systems, so it can be applied to various systems and solutions. Based on this specialized NYX, it is expected to be applied to various solutions such as Gimbal and Multi Sensor and show results in various fields.


thermal, TBT, CCTV, Thermal Imaging Camera, Thermal camera, thermal imaging, tbt, Electric car, Electric vehicle charging station